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2004-02-03 - 2:42 p.m.

Corporate Re-Alignment:

I was going to write an entry on why I'm lucky today but it turns out I can't focus on that, mostly because this is a really unlucky sort of day.

Our entire production department just learned this morning that we are getting shuffled around and there were vague allusions to the fact that some people may lose jobs in the not so distant future.

The Graphics department is losing our boss and getting assigned another. Rich was the coolest boss ever and has been head of the department for 18 years. He is getting moved laterally to focus on another part of the company, a move he isn't particulalry happy about. The whole production department is being split right down the middle and half will report to our new boss...I will refer to him as the Italian (he and I have a running joke...I call him a Deigo and he calls me a Mick...all in harmless fun of course)...and the other half will report to our former head of production.

Luckily the boss we are now assigned is cool too, The Italian, but as a boss I'm a little nervous. Rich, former boss, was SO laid back and relaxed, a definite Type B personality while TI (The Italian) is a type A and not so laid back. He was fabulous to joke around with when he was just head of editing but now it may be different, we shall see.

Husband learned that all of what he does is eventually moving to our India office. So, we are both in a panic about his job...he may not have one. There is supposed to be a lot more movement to come, people shifting around to different areas and so forth so he may have to switch areas...which, depending on what they are, could be good or bad. The bitch is in the not knowing.

For that matter, my job may not be secure either...a lot of the graphics I do can be done for 1/10 of the price in India and there is a definite movement toward that. I NEED to kick up my 3D expertise and I need to become proficient in print graphics too...or look for a career change of some kind.

For the record, I usually welcome and like change but recently I've become very comfortable and secure in my niche. I'm working on my 7th year at this company and Husband his sixth. We like it here. We are loyal. This type of change doesn't feel good. I feel like I am getting a slap from the Universe and I have some things I need to examine within myself. I have attachments to people and things the way they are and I'm incredibly sad this change has to take place.

I need to embrace this fear and uncertainty and try to help Husband do the same. Perhaps it is the kick in the collective butt we need to facilitate changes in our lives we have not yet considered. I'm not sure yet...but I do know I need to breathe and remember to be water.


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