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2004-02-12 - 4:09 p.m.

Healing Pug Vibes:

Domi is our pug, actually he was Husband�s pug so he is my step-pug...but I love him as if he were my own. Anyway, Domi has had a long history of lumps and bumps. Since he was 2 years old he has had lumps here and there. We elected to not remove any of them because mostly they were diagnosed as small fatty tumors that would grow back as soon as we spent the money to have them removed. None of them bothered him so we just watched them.

More recently he has developed some lumps that were a little bigger and a little more sinister looking. We continued to monitor them with the vet�s assistance. Then last night, one of the lumps he has had forever became larger and inflamed and raw. We knew we had to take action so today he went to the vet. He has to have three of the suspicious lumps removed. We have surgery scheduled for the 25th of this month and it will cost between $340 and $650 depending on what they find when they get in and start removing the masses.

We are, of course, worried, both about the surgery itself and how we will scrape together the extra money, but we owe it to him to make sure he has as long a life as possible. He will be celebrating his 10th year this summer and we�d like to see him live a happy Pug�s life for another 5 years if possible.

So, if you can spare them can you send some healing vibes out to the Domi-nator? Thanks. Oh, and send out some good money vibes for us so we can scrape it together to get this done. Blessings.


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