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2004-02-16 - 3:55 p.m.

Pug Button and a Real Entry?:

I know I promised a real entry today but it snowed last night...A LOT...and that means we have to head home early before the crappy roads here refreeze. They just don't know how to take care of the roads here in Virginia and the drivers? Don't get me started...please.

In other news I am SO touched and weepy and amazed and grateful for all the wonderful, beautiful souls who have contributed to Domi the Pug's cancer treatment fund. You are all going to have fabulous lives next time around if they aren't already fabulous. (or if you are the Christian variety you will have a special place of honor in heaven.) Thank you doesn't quite cut it. As soon as I have time to gather your addresses I will mail your autographed pictures of Domi.

With that said, I am leaving the button up here for a bit longer to see if any other kind souls may want to give up their afternoon latte for a puggy cause. As always NO PRESSURE and plenty of pug kisses. (btw, the payment is made to Art Martini Designs, which is my freelance business (that has no business unfortunately!) name, I assure you the money IS going to Domi's cancer treatment...I just need to be able to accept credit cards.) )


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